Privacy Policy
Basic policy concerning personal information protection
I. Basic policy
We position the protection of personal information as a critical matter in the operations of our business and strive to protect personal information with always understanding our responsibilities. Additionally, we shall comply with laws, ordinances, company regulations, etc. relating to personal information protection and shall protect personal information, and prove worthy of the confidence of society by properly and safely handling personal information.
II. Handling
1. We shall acquire, use and provide personal information within the scope of the purposes of our business.
2. Reasonable safety and preventative measures shall be taken both from a technical and organizational perspective with respect to the improper access to personal information, or its loss, destruction, alteration, disclosure, etc.
3. Joint use
Under the circumstances described below, we may jointly uses personal information within the scope noted in 1.
・Scope of joint use
This foundation and other group companies
・Categories of personal information for joint use
Names, addresses, telephone numbers, information about companies or affiliations
・Person responsible for joint use
III. Activities
1. Comply with laws, ordinances and other rules relating to personal information.
2. Strive to make timely revisions and improvements in the management / operations of the system relating to personal information.
3. Inquiries relating to the disclosure, correction, deletion, etc. of personal information shall be received at the following office.
34 Floor, Akasaka Biz Tower, 5-3-1 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-6332, Japan
Phone: (+81)03-5572-0602
mail address: